Monday, March 9, 2009

Spells C

Calming chant

Chant this simple rhyme whenever you feel worried or scared.

I am peaceful, I am strong
Though dark may seem so long.
For day must follow every night,
Everything is alright.
I am always safe from harm,
The Goddess holds me in her arms.

- Submitted by Ceilidh
Car and travel spells

Ease traffic jam

Gods of Movement and of flow,
ease this mess that causes woe.
Move these cars along their way
And keep traffic moving through the day.
Finding your parked car

Close your eyes and chant:

Ancient Ones come near and far,
Find for me my waiting car.

When you open them, you should see your car.
Finding parking

Goddess Mother lift your face and find for me a parking space
Catalyst for Change

Need: a piece of clear quartz or a diamond.

Hold the quartz in your hand, close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Bring to mind all the restrictions and limitations in your life. Allow yourself to feel any emotions that surface as a result. Visualize your limitations, see your frustration transforming. See them become a catalyst for change, motivate you to release the past and create a better future.

Know that, just like coal is transformed into a diamond by intense pressure, your life's frustrations and pressures are working to create a better you. Carry the crystal with you as a reminder.

- Kristin Madden
Chant for talking to your pet

: If you have a pet cat and would like to know what it is saying when all your mortal ear can hear is a meow get your cat to sit still in front of you and say

tail of rat
wing of bat
allow this cat to chit and chat!

to be extra sure the spell works tap the cat in between the ears 3 times before you cast the spell

-- Submitted by Jodie
Chant for focus

Quiet mind, now be still,
focus on what I now will
no scattering or though dissension
I order you to pay attention
bring clear focus to details
enlarge and them to scale.
attend each project one by one
grant clarity 'till work is done.

- Submitted anonymously
Chant for Luck

Say this on a full moon:

"Lady of luck come out of your hidden course.
Bless your light upon me as the light of the moon shines above
and in the light of luck will be blessed I
when the moon is next to be full."

- Submitted by inuyasha_fan_gurl
Chant for Scrying

Say this when your about to scry with a stone. Touch the stone with your index finger and middle finger. Say:

"Scrying magick I call to thee, Enchant this stone so I might see."

Imagine it opening the universe to you.

- Submitted by Edan
Chameleon spell

This "invisibility" spell takes practice and falls into the realms of meditation and mental magick. The Spell:

"Dragon fog and chameleon sight, I command the shrouded sea.
I blend the mist, I mix the light, Refract, around, behind me"

Memorize it, then practice making the edges of yourself fuzzy while chanting the spell. No you won't disappear in front of someone's eyes, but if a person isn't thinking about you, then you can move well without being seen, sort of like a chameleon that blends in with it's surroundings.

- Submitted by Ledoux
Chat with your cat spell

What you need: 1 yellow candle (more if you like), your cat, and a lot of patience.

It is best to do this on a Wednesday.

Cast your circle. Now sit the candle in front of you. Light it. Place your feline friend behind the candle and get him/her to sit still. Now here is the fun part. Get the feline's attention and make sure throughout the spell that he or she is paying complete attention.

I call upon the power of Athena, The Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom.
Give me the power for what I teach. Teach this feline the gift of speech.
Hand (cats name) this voice strong and clear. One that only I can hear.
This spell I cast will last until his/her death.
And then at peace, her voice will rest.
Three times three, So mote it be.
Three times three, so mote it be.
Three times three, so mote it be.

Then pick up your feline and give him/her a big embrace. Then thank the goddess for her help.

- Submitted by Celist Mooneye
Cleansing/banishing negativity

Breath cleansing

This is very simple and great to use when in a pinch or you want to go unnoticed.

Drink, chew or eat something strongly herbal, like spearmint gum, garlic, peppers. Keep it in your mouth as you walk around periodically taking a deep breath and blowing it out in a long, direct stream of air (think fire-breathing dragon). Blow away all negativity. Repeat drinks/bits as often as needed so that you are blowing every few steps. (Kaldera, Schwartzstein)
Cleansing Cursed Objects

:To rid negativity from objects that are cursed, unlucky or that possess ill-feelings, perform the following spell when the moon is fullest:

Take yourself to a river or stream that runs north to south, place the object into its waters and appeal:

"This thing trapped within a curse,
I undo now with this verse,
Running water, spirits good,
Remove this curse if you would"

Remove the object, cast a silver coin and a handful of Thyme into it's waters and leave.

On a note, do not cleanse anything containing Iron.

- Submitted by Matthew B
Cleanse Your Head

I use this one to get rid of headaches and stress!

equipment: wand, pentacle (pendant), a calm peacefull area, and you (obviously) and a pillow (if you feel nessesery).

Tie the pentcale pendant around your neck and sit with a pillow (if nessesary) close your eyes and take three deep breaths then with your eyes still closed chant

Air I am.
Fire I am.
Water, earth and spirit I am.
Return me.
Restore me.
So mote it be!

Now touch and middle of your pentacle with your wand and hold it there untill you feel refreshed.

- By Wiccan Child
Fresh Mind Spell

Need: Tea tree essential oil


Take a deep sniff of tea tree essential oil and then close your eyes. Take another sniff and say:

My mind was filled with needless thoughts
and with them I've become destraught
free my mind of my trouble
double, double, toil and trouble
goddess let my will be done

- Submitted anonymously
Salt Water Purification

Fill a cup (preferably your chalice) with water. With your athame, add three mounds of salt and stir widdershins.

Sit with the cup on your lap. Let all your fears, worries, doubts, hatreds and disappointments come to the surface. See them as a muddy stream that flows out of you as your breathe and is dissolved in the salt water. Allow yourself time to feel deeply cleansed.

Now hold the cup. Breathe deeply, and feel yourself drawing up the power of the Earth. Let the power flow into the salt water, until you can visualize it growing with light.

Sip the water. As you feel it on your tongue, know that you have taken in the power of cleansing and healing. Fear and unhappiness have been transformed.

Empty the leftover water into a running stream (or, down the drain if need be.)

- Starhawk
Tea cleansing

Simmer a cup of a mixture of your favorite cleansing herbs in a pot of water for thirty minutes. Allow the fumes to fill the house. If need be, after the 30 minutes, walk around the house with the brew so it can permeate all the rooms.

For extra oomph, use the brew as a physical cleansing and wipe down any area of the house you feel needs attention.

The following is a mixture I used when an increase in staff resulted in compacting our working space. I was about to move to a more crowded area of the office, near a rather unhappy group of people. I was rather dreading the move.

Before moving my things to the new area, I wiped the desk, filing cabinets, phone, etc. with the tea. I also lightly sprinkled it clockwise around "my space" at work for extra cleansing.

When I moved in to the new area, I was surprised at how calm and "at home" I was. I kept the tea in my desk drawer for "spot cleaning." The tea stayed fresh and potent with no mildew or mold for nearly three months.
Apythia's cleansing tea:

I made this at home, allowing it to simmer for at least 30 minutes and then poured it into a container to take to work and kept it at room temp. Each herb is for a specific purpose, and is charged as such before being dropped into the water.

Allspice - for money and communication
Bay leafs - for strength and wisdom
eucalyptus- for protection
Thyme - for purification
Mugwart- for strength and protection
Cedar - for money
Blessed thistle - for purification
Cinnamon - for success
Saffron - for strength
Nutmeg - for money
Basil - for wealth and harmony
Ginger - for peace

(As you can see, not only did I want a purification, but I also wanted protection from negativity as well as mental/emotional strength, peace, money and success. A multipurpose spell to be sure!)

As I stirred the brew, I would chant the following:

Oh Goddess and God I ask of you
Do my bidding by my brew
In my workspace and round a bout
let creativity and calm in; keep negativity out

As I cleaned my work area with the tea, I imagined wiping away any negative energy lingering in the area.
Three Times

For a person who you feel has wronged you. Say:

With all the negative things you imposed on me.
It you find its way back to you three times three.
With the harm that you will send to me it shall return three times three.
So mote it be
three times three
So mote it be
- By Normarie
Dorothy Morrison's Tool Cleansing

Need: White candle, bowl of water, bowl of soil, frankincense or sandalwood incense.

Light the candle and the incense. Pall the tool through the smoke, saying:

I cleanse you with the breath of Air.
Winds blown cold and winds blown fair.

Pass the tool through the candle flame. Say:

I cleanse you with the warmth of Fire,
Dancing flame and purifier.

Sprinkle with water. Say:

With Water I cleanse and give you life.
Babbling brook and surging knife.

Sprinkle with soil. Say:

I cleanse you with the depth of Earth.
Home of death and place of birth.

Take tool with both hands and lift it to the sky. Say:

Be free of negativity!
As I will so mote it be!
Clear head

While your revising, or when you are in the exam and you are worried or stressed, chant this a couple of times to make you calm down and let your head think:

"Oh Goddess, Calm my heart and clear my mind, help my knowledge shine with light, give power and focus to remember, give me confidence to guide me through, let me be me, thank you."

This helped me; I hope it helps you too. :) . bless .

- Submitted by alexk147
Confidence Spell

What you'll need: Shell, Yellow candle

Light the candle and hold it in your right hand. Say:

"Please give me confidence So I can be the best
I failed it once But now I will be better than the rest"

Pass the shell through the flame and say:

"May this be my lucky charm so my wish can come true"

Kiss the shell for good luck and pass it through the flame one last time and say:

"May my charm help me in all I do"

- Submitted by Gem
Consecrate an object

Need: Incense, white candle, bowl of water, bowl of salt, and item to consecrate.

Light some incense, preferably myrrh or patchouli and a white candle.

Take the item, cover it with salt, place your right hand over the bowl (unless your left handed, then use your left hand) and envision a white light leaving your palm and passing through the bowl, washing away all the negative energies. Then say:

Blessed Lord and Lady,
with salt and smoke I consecrate this tool in your name.
Let it serve me will.

Remove the item from the salt, shaking of the salt as you do so, pass it through the incense smoke, sprinkle it with water, then pass it through the candle flame. Your item is now consecrated.

-- PYro

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