Sunday, March 1, 2009

Elements and Elementals

The four elements of nature: Earth, Air, Fire and Water are the very foundations of creation and the basis of life itself. Ancient myths and theories tell us that the Divine Beings sent to the fledgling earth (then a smoldering pot of confusion being created), four Spirits to bring about order out of chaos. As the rays of their celestial bodies made contact with the crystallized influences of the lower world, they became the four elements linking humankind to nature, the heavens and the Divine. (George Knowles)

Calling upon the Elements in your work can bring very powerful results. The elements represent natural magick, the most ancient and powerful magick.

Our world is viewed of in terms of four physical elements - earth, water, air and fire (which roughly correspond to the four scientific forms of matter: solid, liquid, gas and plasma) - plus spirit. Together, these elements form a united whole, as is symbolized in the pentagram. All are necessary and should be in balance.

The Elements can be used to balance yourself and are symbolic of spiritual and emotional attributes as well as the physical. Using the Elements in Magic can lend it greater significance and power, so it is worth taking a bit of time to make the right associations. However, with the exception of Earth, working with the Elements can be very dangerous, especially fire. They can be very addictive, unpredictable and destructible.

Element Chart

  • Direction- North
  • Elementals- Gnomes, sphinxes, the sidh
  • Archangel- Uriel
  • Totems- Stag, bear, snake
  • Tools- Athame
  • Colors- Brown, black, green
  • Time- Midnight
  • Season- Winter
  • Spells- Money, Fertility, rock magick
  • Quality- Emotional, melancholic, feminine
  • Gemstone- Agate, bloodstone, quartz, carnelian, tiger's eye, emerald
  • Sign- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
  • Symbols- Grain, globe, orb, stones, acorns, soil, sand
  • Incense- Benzoin, fumitory, storax
  • Plants- Adonis, amaranth, barley, comfrey, grain, hops, ivy, maize, licorice, millet, oak, oats, rice, rye, wheat
  • Rules- Life, birth, growth, nature, money, food, prosperity, wisdom, creativity, the body
  • Invoke- Sit with your palms on the Earth
  • Direction- East
  • Elementals- Sylphs, sprites, fairies
  • Archangel- Raphael
  • Totems- Birds of all kinds
  • Tools- Pentacle
  • Colors- White, violet
  • Time- Dawn
  • Season- Spring
  • Spells- Psychic work
  • Quality- Contemplative, sanguine, masculine
  • Gemstone- Topaz
  • Sign- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
  • Symbols- Incense, feathers, sails, balloons, kites, bubbles, fans
  • Incense- Frankincense, fumitory, galibanum, myrrh
  • Plants- Aspen, bodh tree, epiphytic plants, pansy, poplar, primrose, vervain, violet, wall fern, yarrow
  • Rules- Thoughts, ideas, flight, knowledge, wind, intellect, breath, mind, learning, high and windy places, sense of smell
  • Invoke- Whistle three times
  • Direction- South
  • Elementals- Salamander, djinn, the Mannes
  • Archangel- Michael
  • Totems- Salamander, fox
  • Tools- Wand
  • Colors- Red, orange
  • Time- Noon
  • Season- Summer
  • Spells- Purification, sex, healing, hearth
  • Quality- Destructive, choleric, masculine, phallic
  • Gemstone- Fire opal, firestone, amethyst, fire garnet
  • Sign- Aires, Leo, Sagittarius
  • Symbols- Candle, crucible, matches, fire wheel
  • Incense- Copal, frankincense, olibanum, rose
  • Plants- Alder, almond tree, dittany, garlic, hibiscus, mustard, nettles, onion, hot peppers, red poppy, rose
  • Rules- Energy, activity, motivation, lust, life, fire, spirit, purification, passion, hearth, inspiration
  • Invoke- Throw salt into a flame
  • Direction- West
  • Elementals- Undines, merfolk, Kelpie
  • Archangel- Gabriel
  • Totems- Fish, aquatic mammals, amphibians
  • Tools- Chalice
  • Colors- Blue, gray, deep purple, sea green
  • Time- Twilight
  • Season- Autumn
  • Spells- Healing, love, purification, psychic work, fertility, weather
  • Quality- Emotional, phlegmatic, feminine
  • Gemstone- Crystal, coral, sea salt, jade, pearl, mother of pearl
  • Sign- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
  • Symbols- Pitcher, wave, tear, raindrop, snowflake
  • Incense- Lotus, myrrh, aromatic rush roots
  • Plants- Aquatic plants, ferns, fungi, lotus, moss, reeds, seaweed, squill, watercress, water lily, willow
  • Rules- Emotions, fertility, love, sensuality, intuition, taste, compassion, mystery, water, psychic ability, change, unconscious
  • Invoke- Pool water (pour water into dish)
For Magickal Aid- Press * on phone, sing three notes, speak your need and hang up

Element Crosspoints

Elements can be represented together or called upon by blending their values.

Air/Earth = Inert gas
Air/Air = Wind
Air/Fire = Flammable gas
Air/Water = Mist
Fire/Earth = Chemically created heat
Fire/Air = Lightening
Fire/Fire = Flame
Fire/Water = Electricity
Water/Earth = Ice
Water/Air = Rain
Water/Fire = Steam
Water/Water = Water
Earth/Earth = Soil
Earth/Air = Dust
Earth/Fire = Lava
Earth/Water = Sand


Elementals, also called devas or djinn, are said to live in the deva kingdom or fairy realm. Elementals, except those of earth, are dangerous to work with. They are very powerful, unpredictable and usually destructive. They are easier to summon than to banish. (Eileen Holland).

Elementals have got a one-way intelligence, and it is not well that they should be senior partners in any alliances with human beings (Dion Fortune)

Gnomes: Earth Elementals

Gnomes are the beings that work and maintain the physical structure of earth.

Astrological associations: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Undines: Water Elementals

Undines are essential to awaking gifts of empathy, healing and purification. They are usually female in form. They work to maintain the astral body and feelings. They represent energy of creation, birth, intuition and creative imagination. They make their presence known through dreams (Ted Anderson).

Astrological assocations: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Sylphs: Air Elementals

Air is the source of all life energy Sylphs help us maintain our mental body and mental development. They stimulate new knowledge and inspiration, intuition and rationalization. They are good to call upon for protection of your home and family (Ted Anderson).

Astrological associations: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Salamanders: Fire Elementals

Salamanders are responsible for all lightening, heat, explosions and volcanoes. They invoke powerful emotional currents and stimulate the fires of spiritual idealism and perceptions. They can be effective in healing and detoxifying the body. They work to maintain our spiritual body and is also connect our body's metabolism. They are attracted to music and the creative power of words (Ted Anderson).

Astrological associations: Aires, Leo and Sagittarius

*From Bewitching Ways*