Sunday, March 1, 2009


Even to the masses, Witchcraft as always been associated with Magick. Magick -- be it spells, mojo, talisman, etc. -- is an important part of the Craft. It allows us to improve our lives and return energy to our Earth.

Not to be confused with the pulling-rabbits-out-of-hats magic, magick is a symbolic act that focuses energy. Magick has nothing to do with the "supernatural." Magick is simply the art of getting results (Margot Adler).

Although magick appears to some to be nonsensical, it operates along its own rules and logic. Simply because it isn't fully understood doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Magick is effective in causing manifestation of needed change (Scott Cunningham).

Magick does not, however, get you out of doing any work, but it will give you want you need to do it.

To cast a spell is to project energy through a symbol. It's similar to a prayer but more proactive. You want something, but instead of just talking about it, you are willing to work with the energy of the Universe to make it happen.

All spell work requires is solid intent, concentrated focus and the ability to channel energy toward the specific direction of your wishes. (Dorothy Morrison).

There are three main sources of this energy: personal power, Earth power and Divine power. Personal power is the life force that sustains our Earthly existence. Earth power is that which resides within our planet and its natural products (such has herbs and crystals). Both personal and Earth power are manifestations of Divine power, the energy which exists within the Goddess and God, the source of universal power which has created everything in existence. (Scott Cunningham).

Wiccans invoke the Goddess and God to bless their magick with power. Magick is a process in which Wiccans work in harmony with universal power (Divine power) as well as personal and Earth energies to improve our lives and lend energy to the Earth. Magick is a method whereby the individual takes control of their life (Scott Cunningham).

he practice of magick demands the development of "Magical Will": honesty, self-discipline, commitment and conviction (Starhawk). Magick has the best chance of success when strong emotions are involved; the more you want it, the better chance of success.

Spell work should be done within the bounds of sacred space, usually a circle. This isn't so much to keep the bad energies out (although that is a nice side effect) but to keep the energy you are raising in until you choose to release it into the Universe to do your bidding.

The more specific your spell, the better chance for success (Don't just ask for money, but rather for the specific amount needed, no more, no less). As the Wiccan Rede says, spells should be spoken in rhyme. Some prefer free verse, but rhyming may help you remember your spell and spoken spells, rather than those read, tend to have better success rates.

It is believed that many factors can affect the success rate of a spell. In order to gain an advantage so to speak, many witches make sure to choose the prime time and best ingredients for their magick by consulting corespondent charts to find out what day of the week, planetary hour, moon phase, color, herb, gemstone, etc. are best suited for the type of work they are planning to do.

Spells can be as simple as chanting a few words or as complicated as setting up a full ritual complete with herbs, candles, incense and gemstones, making talismans and other magickal workings. The choice is yours. Check out our Spells section to see what other Witches are doing.

One not of importance. The Wicca Rede plays a huge part in spell work. Harm none - including yourself - when doing spell work. If you intend to do magickal working for another, make sure you have his or her permission first.

Wiccans don't perform destructive, manipulative or exploitive magick. Because they recognize that the power at work in magick is ultimately derived from the Goddess and God, negative workings are taboo. "Evil" magick is an insult to themselves, the human race, the Earth, the Goddess and God and the universe itself (Scott Cunningham).

*From Bewitching Ways*