Sunday, March 1, 2009


As we probably all remember from our physics classes way back when, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It always exists; it just changes form. Personal energy is the same power you feel when you are angry, nervous, terrorize, joyous or sexually aroused.

A big part of Witchcraft is learning how to control that energy and make it change form, to direct it to work our magick.

Visualization plays a big part in energy work. You need to be able to see it to use it. Being able to feel energy is also important. This is not something that comes easy to all, but is a skill you will acquire with time.

What is energy? Take your hands together and rub them really fast until they get hot. Now separate them and hold them close together, palms facing each other about an inch or two apart. Do you feel that tingling? Do you feel something there, something malleable? That is energy. You have just called your physical energy to the surface. Don't force yourself to feel it. Don 't worry if you don't feel anything. Practice a couple of times a day until you get it. And you will get it.

Once you can feel the energy in your hands, work on shaping it. Feel it change form between your hands. Slowly open the space between your hands, sending the energy from one hand to the other. Work at it until you can open your hands shoulder-width apart and send the energy back and forth. (This is where your visualization skills become helpful).

The tree method is also a helpful exercise for raising energy. This time, the energy you call will be that of the Earth and not from yourself. Sit or stand in a comfortable position. Imagine yourself as a tree. Your legs are your roots, extending into the ground. Your body is the trunk and your arms and head are the branches. The goal is to create a circle of energy. Pull the Earth's energy up from your "roots," through your "trunk" and out your "branches" where it will flow back down into the Earth, finishing the cycle.

In magick workings, you learn to draw energy on command without a second thought, whether its pulling the energy from yourself, Earth or the Divine.

When you are finished working with energy, it is very important to release any lingering energy and ground yourself. Otherwise, you may be bouncing off walls. Energy overload is somewhat similar to a sugar or caffeine high.

If you called the energy from within you, place your hands over your stomach and send the energy back into you. If you called then energy from the Earth, send it back. Hold your hands, palms facing the Earth and feel the energy drain from you back into the Earth. Eating, especially anything carb-related, is also a great way to ground energy. That is partially why so many rituals include a small feast.

Once you get used to calling energy and the feel of it, it is time to move on to energy fields, or auras.

All natural objects possess divine energy and with practice you can feel their power.

Start with a plant or flower or some other vegetation. Clear your mind. Place your receptive palm over it. Do you feel the energy of the plant? It may be a hum, throbbing, zap, a change in temperature, etc. This is a little harder to feel, so don't get frustrated if it takes a couple of times to sense anything. Try rubbing your hands together again to sensitize them.

Once you can sense the energy of plants, move on the crystals and gemstones. If you really want to be an expert, try to feel the energy of the family pet, or the ultimate challenge, another person. This will not be easy. Take your time and don't rush it. With practice, it will come.

The final level of energy work deals with sending it out. This will be how you most commonly use energy in magickal workings.

Stand in the center of your house. Raise your projective (dominant) hand. Feel yourself raise the energy within you. Send that energy flowing out of your hand with force. Visualize it flowing to the walls, covering the doors and windows. Think "protection" while doing this. Feel the energy covering every surface of the walls. You are creating a protective barrier of your energy for your home. Do not rush this. This will take a while and test your stamina.

Once you feel you have completely sealed your house, lower your hand and shake it out. If you have any residual energy left, absorb it back into you.

You should be able to walk through your house and feel your protective shield.

*From Bewitching Ways*