Monday, March 9, 2009

Spells D-F

Duplicating Spell

Hold the object in your dominant hand. Close your eyes and visualize two instead of one and as you do say these words...

That which is one
Now becomes two
That which is two
Forever will be
That which will be
Shall appear to you

This spell takes time and it will show when you least expect it.

- Submitted by Merrick
Ease Another's Sadness

What you'll need: 4 white candles, 2 gray candles, 1 dragons blood incense

Instructions: On a monday night at mifnight, light the incense and place the candles around you. Light the candles while saying a protection spell (preferably the one you usually use.) Then recite 3 times:

Let (full name) feel joy, not pain
Give him/her strength through hard times
Don't let them be sad
Fill them with positive energy
So mote it be, so mote it be, so mote it be

- Submitted anonymously
Ending Depression

Recite 3 times the following:

Blessed Mother turn your face,
See with Love this empty space,
Renew my heart with love for life.
Remove from me this pain and strife.

- Submitted by Kat: "Author is unknown to me but I thought I would share."
Fast forward time

"Fast forward time till ( say time) am/pm, bored to death I am
Need to go on with my life, take away my irksome strife
Around about the hands shall go; around and around time shall flow
In others minds won't leave a trace, fast forward time in this place"

It helps if you draw a small clock with time that you want to fast forward to. This not like time travel; it would just make time seem fast until that time you choose.
- submitted by gothica
Find a lost familiar

Light white candles of any size. Make sure you have a hair, feather (etc) of your familiar, before you say the spell. The spell may be done in any part of the moon phase, but sooner reciting of the spell will result in sooner finding of the familiar. Here is the spell:

What has been lost I call to thee
Much more than just good company.
Goddess and God, please lend your ears
Please help me find what I hold dear.
Blessed be! So mote it be

Drop the piece of your familiar into the first flame. Write down & memorize the spell. Burn the piece of paper and chant the spell until it is nothing but ash.

- Submitted by insano_neko
Finding lost objects
Keeper of what disappears,
Hear me now -- open your ears.
Find for me what I now seek,
By Moon, Sun, Earth, Air, Fire and Sea.

- Dorothy Morrison


Say or chant

"I now invoke the law of three what once was lost returns to me"

-anonymous submission


Spoken as needed when you have lost something:

"Bound and Binding
Binding, Bound
See the sight
Hear the sound
What was lost
Now is found
Bound and Binding
Binding, Bound"

Then think of what the object looks like and how it sounds.

- submitted by Forrest


Earth, air, water, fire, help me find what I desire
Candle, cup, wind, seed, help me find what need

Remember to think about what you want to find very hard.

- Submitted by estaroll


Picture whatever you lost in your mind and say this three times:

"Something I lost I need to find; By the power of three, this spell I bind."

- Submitted by silver60613


Cast a circle like you normaly would. Then say:

"By the powers of Moon, Sun, Earth,Air, Fire and Sea
what once was lost return to me."

Release the magic and wait.

- Submitted by RavenOfTheNight


Whenever you can't find something and you're in a rush just chant:

"Wolves and Fairies, dragons and ghosts,
help me find the thing I need most.
My _________ is lost, cannot be found,
whether lost above or below the ground.
Bring it back to me, SO MOTE IT BE!"

This chant works really well but sometimes things aren't meant to be found.

- Submitted by Piper
Finding a Spirit Guide

A "guider" is a spirit with the power to help you through difficult situations. They are not for revengeful purposes or any other sort of evil witchcraft, only to help one to see happiness and comfort.

On a piece of paper, write down what you need help with, then bury the piece of paper with some sage and lilac flowers while saying:

"I am one. Peace and comfort come to me in my time of need. Help me out o gaurdian spirit so I can move my life on foword to see you, to hear your call. Help me out; vanquish all of my fears and then disappear to help another one who is dear."

This has helped me and other witches through a rough time.

- Submitted by lilgreenkitten13
Friends and friendship spells

To bring a new friend into your life

Say this chant while lighting a white candle:

Day to night, night to day, I call upoon my inner powers to bring me friends who will always be true.

- Submitted by carter_733
Friend or foe spell

Light three blue candles and write the name of the person you wish to be friends with with in red ink, then your name in the same ink. Tie them together (any way) and put it in to a bowl of sugar. Then chant:

Friend I wish to be, will you please see, that I'm not your enemy.

The next day if they talk to you, they will become your friend, but if they don't they are your true foe.

- Submitted anonymously

Friendship Spell

Use this spell to let a friend know that you are there for them.

Need: A candle in the appropriate choice (orange works best), paper and a pen/pencil.

You need to cast a circle as usual and invoke the God and Goddess. Light the candle and recite the spell given.

On A piece of paper write this spell:

To help a friend's whose mind is clogged,
help them see the world evolve,
let them see that people change,
and that know one stays the same.

After that put the paper over the candle flame and let it burn while thinking of the friend in your head.

-- By Charmed One
Friendship candle spell

Need: Pink Candle, Good Luck/Friendship Oil, Pink silk ribbon, White Silk Ribbon

Cast the Circle, Arrange altar, Invoke Goddess and God

You will want to anoint the pink candle with Good Luck oil all the while thinking of the friends you want to make.

Imagine yourself laughing with them, going out with them. Really see yourself with them.

After your candle has been anointed, you may light it. At this point you may call out the things that are important to you in a friend: honesty, trust, open mindedness, humor, whatever.

As you light the candle, see the flame as being the energy that burns between any two close friends.

When this is completed, take your two pieces of silk ribbon and weave them together.

Simply winding them around each other will do.

While you do this, think of bringing that friend closer to you.

This binding process is reminiscent of pagan handfasting rituals.

You are binding that friend to you, making them loyal to you, a way any good friend should be.

You do not want to bind a specific person to you, as that kind of magic is harmful since is harms the other person's free will. Only bind the idea of the perfect friend to you.

Once you have done this, tie the ribbon to the base of your candle as best as you can.

The candle's light is a beacon to bring friendship to you and another person.

When this is done, you may wish to sit and meditate on the spell that you have just cast, sending your energies out to bring that perfect friend to you. When you feel that your spell has been completed, then it has. Let your candle burn all the way out and release your circle, thanking the Goddess and the God.

- Submitted by Steven

To Help a Friend

You will need: One Candle, bowl, and water

Put the candle in the bowl and pour the water in the bowl. After you have done that light the candle and say:

Little Angel come to me. Help me help my friend in need.
Help (him or her) to find the answer to the quistion she holds in her mind.
Little Angel come to me come and my friend in need.
Little Angel help my friend find (his or her) answer.
Free (him or her) missery that she pleads with me.

After you have said this, think of your friend and blow out the candle.

-- Submitted by Storm
Helping A Friend with a Decision

You need to have permission of your friend (the one you're casting it for) to make it work. It's best to do this on a waxing moon and on a Wednesday.

You will need: 1 Orange Taper Candle with holder, 1 White Taper Candle with holder. A Large Church candle with a green ribbon tied around it, A piece of opal, aquamarine or citrine, Symbol of Mercury (Hermes)

Put the taper candles beside the Church candle. Cast your circle. Hold the gemstone in your left hand and the symbol in your right hand and say:

"Hermes, give (friends name) answers in her sleep, And make them his/hers to keep, Give him/her guidance, clear and true, So he/she knows what to do, And it harm none so mote it be!"

Meditate about your friend making the right decision. Thank Mercury/Hermes and the elements. Close your circle. Don't forget to snuff your candles out, NOT blow them out!

- Submitted by Urban Myst

Spell to make friends Fast

This is to make friends with any one you know.

You will need:
1 white or pink candle
1 rose quartz

How to do it:

Call the quarters and light the candle. Hold the rose quartz in your hand and recite:

"Oh goddess, help me now,
For your light to fill this room,
And for me and (persons full name.)
To let our friendship bloom."

Now, gripping the rose quartz, imagine you and the person being best friends. Sit there for a while with the image in your head. Blow out the candle and say "So mote it be."

- Submitted by Destiny

Mending a friendship

While reciting this spell, light an orange candle and have the name of the person you want to mend the friendship with on a piece of paper and say"

This friendship is broken. I want to fix it.
Please let this fight between (name) and (name) soon.

--Submitted anonymously
Saying goodbye to a friend

Stand face to face with the person who is moving. This will work best the night before the person is moving with black and white candles. Picture you and the person being friends forever and both chant,

Goodbye is not enough,
To break this friendship apart,
Far and Wide we will stay,
Forever friends, Forever fellow.

-- submitted anonymously

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