Monday, March 9, 2009

Samhain Ritual

FRED Circle's Samhain Ritual
Written by Apythia, with the help of authors credited

Need: Sage and salt water; quarter candles; goddess, god and ancestor candles; parchment, pen and a black candle for each participant; enough runes to have one for each person; bond fire or something to burn paper in; pomegranate; apple

Sage and salt water cleansing
Lesser Banishing Ritual

Cast circle.
Light needfires: Light candle of person in north , who in turn, lights candle to the left around the circle. Everyone joins in chant (repeat as needed)

Fire red, summer's dead
Yet it shall return.
Clear and bright, in the night,
Burn, fire, burn!

Fire glow, vision show
Of the heart's desire,
When the spell's chanted well
Of the witching fire.

Fire spark, when nights are dark
Makes our winter's mirth.
Red leaves fall, earth takes all,
Brings them to rebirth.

Fire fair, earth and air,
And the heaven's rain,
All blessed be, and so may we,
at Hallows-tide again. (adapted from Doreen Valiente)

Calling the elements
(written by by Gaelan Brightflame, 1992)

Hail Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East, Powers of Air, Bring to us the joy and pain of remembrance that we may heal the past in this time of magic. Whisper the messages meant for us into our ears and carry our words back on the wings of eagles. Hail and welcome.

Hail Guardians of the Watchtowers of the West, Powers of Water, we ask to experience what we feel, what we fearIn the comforting caresses of your tides remind our souls high tides recede. Remind our souls high tides are places to swim, to float, to cleanse. Hail and welcome.

Hail Guardians of the Watchtowers of the South, Powers of Fire, burn from us the burdens of this world on this night. Change what is believed into what is true. Ignite in us the spark that makes what is just become what is done. And record the lessons learned to be read in tomorrow's flames. Hail and welcome.

Hail Guardians of the Watchtowers of theNorth, Powers of Earth, Great Mother and Father in this sacred space, on this special night. Allow the realms to walk you together. Sharing life and knowledge. We are asking. We are listening. It is Samhain.Hail and welcome.

Welcome Deities

Call in Goddess: (group chant to build energy)
Calliach, Morrigan,
Dark Mother, take us in.
Calliach, Morrigan,
Let us be reborn.

(Hecate, Goddess of Witches, Morrigan our protectress, Calliach wise woman, we call upon you on this night. We ask that you join us, your children as we celebrate this holy night as the wheel once again turns...etc.)

(Hail and welcome Dark Mother)

Call in God (group chant to build energy)
Herne, Horned One,
Hunter 'neath the Northern Sun,
Herne, Horned One,
Die and be reborn.

(Kernunos, Herne, Horned One, we call upon you on this night. We ask that you join us, your children as we mark this holy night of your death and begin to await your rebirth...etc.)

Hail and welcome Horned One

Open the gate to the Western Quarter
(draw an invoking pentagram with the athame)

All spirits of our loved ones
Hearken to our call!
I bid you in our circle!
Enter - one and all!

Be ye spirit of plant or pet
or loved one in Summerland
Into this Circle you are let!
Guided by our lighted hand

Speak to us of things unknown!
Lend your energies to this rite!
To speed your journey, we have joined
On this sacred Samhain night! (adapted from a call by Dorothy Morrison)
Light ancestor candle

Statement of purpose

We are here tonight to celebrate the most sacred of our holidays, Samhain. A time outside of time, a time when the boundaries have been lifted, normal laws are suspended, and spirits from the other world can seek entry into ours. Tonight marks the sacrificial death of our god and our honor of him.

"On this night we honor those who have gone before. The Ancient Ones and other creatures who have lived and left their legacy of wisdom and experience for us to build upon; those whose strivings have made our world better for all. We honor the sacrifices made by so many to insure OUR freedom to practice our religion without torture and fear and we pray that we continue to be safe from ignorance and prejudice and the hatred spawned by those whose lives are governed by ignorance and intolerance.

We remember our dear ones who died during the Burning Times and weep for their sacrifice. We remember and honor those who were our ancestors, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, children, and dear friends who have departed this life and who have gone to Summerland to await rebirth.

We invite them to come to us this night and join in our circle of love lending their energy and essence to our circle. We ask that they watch over us and guard us as we guard their memory in our hearts. As Witches we celebrate the Immutable Wheel of Life.

We know that even as the body dies, the spirit will survive to be born again. We greet death as new opportunity, even as we greet birth as that opportunity manifest. As our love rises to meet the spirit s of our dead who have joined our circle we greet them with joyful memories of the past and beautiful dreams of the future. The wheel turns and turns again. And now, as our God goes to ready himself for his rebirth at the Winter Solstice, may he know we value his sacrifice, and that we, together with Our Mother, await his return with love and joy. (by Lady Ardane)

(Start with … I invite in…. / Hail and Welcome)

Go around circle and call in dead

Releasing habits

With Samhain begins the new year. It is a time to reflect on ourselves and our actions. All around us, we see our shadows - our darker side. As the wheel turns, it is time to make peace with that part of ourselves.

(pass out parchment and have everyone write down the trait that it is they would like to improve or make peace with in the coming year )

By candle flame on this dark night
Our shadows grow within its light
We will not fear our darker side
From it we will not hide
Instead we vow to change what we can
Negative thoughts and actions we shall ban

(Light fire for burning and say spell. Then let everyone burn their paper in the cauldron. Val will end it with a nice shot of Vesta powder)

Rune pull
Goddess, dark mother, wise woman, crone and spirits of our ancestors
Tonight we call upon you to join us on our path of self discovery.
On this new year's night, we draw runestones and ask for your guidance and illumination
We ask that you show us the lesson we are to learn as the wheel turns
(Let everyone pull a rune they get to keep)

Symbols of the season:

Behold, the fruit of death. Symbolic blood pours from its skin as it dies. Inside, it contains the seeds of death and winter. Taste the seeds of death. (pass around)

Behold the apple, fruit of wisdom and rebirth. In living we die - in dying we live.
Behold, the five-pointed star and the promise of rebirth. Taste the gift of life. (pass around)

Offering to the Deities

Closing Western Quarter
(draw the banishing pentagram)

We humbly thank thee spirits
And honor you this sacred night
For joining us in our circle
Guided by our loving light

Oh Mighty Pan of the Summerlands:
Guardian of the beloved dead
We pour forth love on those you keep
Safely, in your peaceful stead
Grant safe passage to the souls now leaving
May they rest peacefully in your love
Until they are refreshed and reborn again
In perfect trust and love
We bless those who have walked the path
That someday, we as well, shall follow
We offer peace unto their souls
While resting in your arms, below (adapted from a call by Dorothy Morrison)
We bid thee all a fond farewell. So mote it be!

Deity thanks

Close Quarters

Open circle
Take a moment to charge candle with any lingering energy. Starting North, widdershins, Everyone snuffs out candle. Sing three times:

The circle is open but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess be ever in your heart
Merry Meet, and merry part and merry meet again.

Ending Lesser Banishing Ritual

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