Monday, March 9, 2009

Hidden Strengths Ritual

Hidden Strengths: Calliach Stone Ritual

Need: a stone of your choice that best represents the qualities you want to strengthen within you. Note: This is a dark ritual. It should be done at night in a dark room with NO light.

Cast a circle and call the quarters.

Sit or lay on the floor in whatever position is comfortable to you. Light some incense that works for you for opening yourself up, if you want. I find that black opium works well for me.

Hold the stone in your receptive hand and call upon Calliach:

Calliach, wise woman, crone, I call upon you to be here now
Spirit of winter and Goddess of Stones,
join me on my journey of self discovery

Once you feel her presence, continue. Squeeze the stone in your hand. Visualize what it is you want the stone to unlock in you. Take your time with this. When you are ready, say the following:

Calliach I ask of you, please allow this (name of stone)
to reveal to me my hidden strengths (of ….) inside of me.

Then slowly release the tight grip on your stone, holding it loosely in your hand. Imagine that energy and characteristics you want flowing from the stone into your hand, up your arm and through your body. Feel it fill you with it's power. Find those characteristics you desire deep inside of you.
When finished, thank Calliach, close the quarters and open the circle. Keep the stone with you until you reach the point where you no longer need it to know that you have those qualities inside you.

- By Apythia

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